Changes in XMBF 2.30: --------------------- - added code for parallel bootstrap using MPI. To compile, use "make -f Makefile_mpi" (after adjusting Makefile_mpi for your machine, if necessary). This generates an MPI executable called "XMBF_mpi", with can be used as follows: "mpirun -np nprocs XMBF_mpi -b directory input.xml" The number of bootstrap samples specified in the xml file must be divisible by the number of processes (nprocs). - added an option for uncorrelated fits: diagonal - four new "upper" matrix models for triangular matrix fits (= symmetrized matrix fits; see user manual for details): "multi_exp_mat_upper_model", "multi_exp_mat_II_upper_model", "multi_exp_expE_mat_upper_model", "multi_exp_expE_mat_II_upper_model" - improved performance of the "chi_sqr_extra_term" option (compute derivatives only for relevant parameters) - fixed missing space for standard output of fit results